Digital Transformation & Automation

Dr. Bascur

OSB Digital, LLC, Houston, Texas
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Dr. Bascur is currently Principal Digital Transformation at OSB Digit, LLC and he is Consultant Fellow for Seeq Advanced Analytics. He worked as a principal at OSISOFT for 25 years. He was a staff engineer for Pennzoil and before he was process control engineer working for Duval Corporation, Tucson, Az (now Freeport McMoRan).
His new book “Digital Transformation for the Process Industries – A Roadmap” is a testimony to his hands-on digital transformation journey benefitting numerous global mining company. Dr. Bascur’s contribution is well recognized across the mining industry.
He has recently designed a template for the digital transformation of Plants for dynamic operational management, quality, asset and energy/water optimization. Today, the Digital Plant Strategy transform sensor data into Operational Insights (Data + Operational Events) to enable Overall Production Effectiveness and Predictive Analytics. The strategy identifies the Hidden Production/Energy/Water Losses in an Industrial Plant enabling Production Maximization while eliminating losses. His template strategy enables the transformation of huge amounts of unusable data into InFORMation to generate additional Operating Insights, Predictive Models and integrate with Business Intelligence Tools such as MS PowerBI, Seeq Advanced Analytics and AWS Quick sight.
Now more than ever, the remote work strategy with support in the construction of new forms of value creation in operational management is vital. It is also imperative to implement predictive models to avoid energy and water loss, as well as prevent environmental contamination in the process of production. Working remotely with a coach helps develop operational analysis in real-time, anticipating issues such as approaching restrictions or leaving the optimal production bands contained in the history of effective production.
Dr Bascur received the most prestigious SME Antoine Gaudin Award in 2014. He is a member of the AIChE, SME, AIST, IFAC MMM and the IMPC. He is a Chemical Engineer and Metallurgical Engineer from the University of Concepción. He received his PhD in Metallurgical Engineering from the University of Utah, Salt Lake City, USA.