CVMR® is a privately held, metal refining technology provider that is also engaged in mining and refining of its own mineral resources in 18 different countries. The company was established in 1986, with its head office and R & D Centre in Toronto, Canada.


CVMR®’s Processes and Technologies

CVMR® has unique processes, technologies and expertise in recovery, separation and refining of metals from ores, concentrates, mattes, slurries, and wastes. Its carbonyl technology is especially suited to nickel, iron, cobalt laterite deposits as well as manganese and can produce multiple products, including powders, foams, pellets, net shapes, and coatings, from the same refining process flow. The majority of these operations are conducted at atmospheric or very low pressures, at relatively low capital and operating costs, with no measurable impact on the environment.

CVMR®’s Rare Earth Elements

The rare-earth elements (REE) or lanthanoids (at times wrongly referred to as lanthanides) consist of 15 elements plus scandium and yttrium, which are not part of the group, but are included as REE, because they often occur in the same ore body. Therefore, in total there are17 REE. They are all very similar, almost indistinguishable, silvery colour and exhibit very similar chemical properties.

CVMR® – Graphite and Graphene

The exceptional chemical, biological and physical characteristics of carbon-based nanomaterials have attracted the attention of scientists and large multinational corporations, specially those who are in the coal mining and oil refining businesses. As these industries face gradual decrease in demand, they are discovering that their raw materials they sell have much more value and multiple uses across many industries. Burining coal, oil and methane would be a waste of precious resources. Converting them to graphene, graphite and meryad other carbon-based products has become imperative.

Maximize Mill Recovery

7 key concepts

1. Quantify optimum liberation of sulfides & non-sulfide gangue minerals
2. Identify grind targets based on size distribution and not just P80
3. Provide a cleaner mill chemistry with right grind media
4. Set-up the optimum flotation electrochemistry with reagents
5. Fine tune flotation hydrodynamics for efficient flotation capacity utilization
6. Leverage Digital to better control & sustain mill recovery
7. Economic-efficiency based flotation operation through value-chain integration

The AMBS Flotation Process for Copper and Copper-Gold Ores : Bench to Plant Applications

The Air-Metabisulfite (AMBS) process has been developed to treat complex copper, molybdenum and precious metals (gold, silver) bearing ores using brackish and sea water. This process was able to produce significantly better copper concentrate grades and higher recovery than possible using conventional lime and/or cyanide based processes for certain complex ores with high sulphide gangue minerals.

Selection of Cell Operating Conditions to Optimise Performance of Flotation Circuits with Large Cells

An extensive study was carried out to evaluate the performance of Outokumpu OK50, OK38 and Maxwell MX14 cells at Cominco’s Red Dog flotation concentrator in Alaska. Tests were conducted by varying operating conditions of the cells installed in different circuits in the plant. The hydrodynamic and gas dispersion properties were measured and the metallurgical performance of the cells was evaluated for each

Developing Solutions to Complex Flotation Problems

Mining of low grade deposits along with the necessity to design and operate flotation plants with high throughput presents unique metallurgical and environmental challenges that need to be addressed to reduce project risks, improve project economics and to sustain the profitability of operations over the life of a mine.

Innovations and Breakthroughs in Mineral Processing That Have Shaped the Existing Mining Industry

As mining has evolved over a century, so are the challenges associated with mining. Mining of complex ore bodies at greater depths is a major challenge requiring high capital and operating costs due to remote locations, high energy costs, water quality and complex environmental issues.

Optimisation of Flotation Circuits With Large Flotation Cells

The recent trend of installing flotation cells with volumes as large as 200 m3 in concentrators is driven mainly by economic considerations such as lower capital, operating and maintenance costs. Despite the economic advantages, the metallurgical benefits from these large cells have not yet been fully realised by the industry. This is mainly due to the lack of understanding